Kamis, 08 Juni 2017

Tips for using bodyfiller

Polyester body filler, Bondo, (a registered trade mark that has taken on the generic title)  pasta, or just plastic filler, call it what you want we all use it. There are economy fillers, premium fillers the fine folks at USC U. S. Chemicals & Plastics  have given use a list of tips to better body filler
  • Outdated hardener is the #1 cause of problems. DO NOT use hardener over 1 year old
  • Do Not over catalyze 
  • Always knead the cream hardener tube prior to use
  • Do Not whip body filler
  • Do Not put filler on paint shaker
  • Using coarse grit abra sives like 24 & 36 grit wastes time material and slows production use 80 grit and you will have a better job with fewer pinholes
  • Apply thin layers using a flat spreader working the filler into the scratches to promote adhesion and force out air 

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